Utilizing Kiosks to Aid in Small Business

You have probably used a computer kiosk to check in at an airport, and maybe you appreciated how it cut your time waiting in line. Perhaps you have seen one of these freestanding computer stations at the big retailers or mega-stores where they are becoming more common for submitting employment applications or providing help in locating an item. But have you ever considered that this same high-tech kiosk could be useful in your much smaller business too?

Why Small Business Networking Sometimes Doesn’t Work

As a small business owner with a traditional storefront there are numerous avenues for promoting and marketing your business. Many of the obvious ones such as newspaper ads, direct mail and radio/TV spots all share a common problem, they usually cost alot of money and there is usually a mediocre return on investment. Networking and cross promoting with other small businesses can be a great and inexpensive way to get the good word out about your business. Other small businesses may not feel the same zest for marketing success as you

How to Stay Organized

I have been on struggle street for years when it comes to organization for myself and my workspace. I usually run into the same problem most of us half-assed, partially organized people do. I start neat and orderly and slowly degrade into a rat's nest within a few weeks. I eventually get fed up and organize myself again only to repeat history time and time again. I have tried almost every method to organize myself one can think of, including PDA’s, a pocket full of post it’s and dozens of online to do lists and organizers.

5 Tips to Manage Employees

Managing employees takes practice and patience. Being an effective manager is a skill that can be learned if you’re willing. According to the ground breaking book “First Break all the Rules”, people don’t leave companies, they leave managers. This is absolutely true as a great manager can turn even mediocre employees into fine tuned productivity machines. Below are my top five tips to start you on the road to becoming a great manager.

How to Motivate Employees

What drives any of us to perform at our best? Is it money, fear of punishment, reward or is it something more than that? Once I started reading “Drive”, I realized that Pink was on to something.

Google Places for your Small Business

Google Places (formerly Google small business center), is a wonderful tool for your small business. The best part about it is that it’s totally free. Too many small brick and mortar businesses are not taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity to create an online presence for their small business.

Making Productive use of Your Time

I commute nearly 30 minutes to and from my business each day, what a way to make more productive use of my time. Instead of earning my graduate degree in 80’s Hair Band lyrics, I was inside my own mobile classroom.. Fast forward 24 months and 48 audio books later.

How to Become Productive Again (or is your smartphone making you stupid)

How many times a day do you check your email? Have you ever stopped mid conversation while speaking with someone to check and see who just sent you a message on your Blackberry? Not only is this rude, but it may be making you stupid.

Starting a Business During a Recession

Business and economic publications tout the increase in small business start ups during a recession. Many folks, now without employment, are rushing out to start their own business vowing never to be in this position again. The dreams of owning your own business, setting your own schedule and making your own decisions seems almost irresistible. Do you and your family a favor, don't jump in before doing your homework.

5 Reasons your Small Business should switch to VOIP Technology

Depending on your business, your telecommunication costs can eat up a sizable chunk of your budget. Over the last few years VOIP technology has really come of age as costs keep getting lower and service keeps getting better. Listed below are the 5 reasons you should consider making the switch to VOIP technology for your business.