How Lawyers can Generate Leads Online

5 Effective Ways Lawyers Can Generate Leads Online


Legal services is a very competitive space.  Just drive down a highway or search for a lawyer online and you will see how much money is being spent to acquire new clients.

The big question is, do you need to spend big bucks and run mass advertising campaigns in order to acquire clients?  Maybe 10-15 years ago that was the case, but with the advances in online marketing, you can target your ideal customers with laser precision as well as track metrics to prove ROI.

96% of people seeking legal advice use a search engine. (Google Consumer Survey, Nov 2013)

It's easy to get lost in a sea of competitors.  When potential customers search for legal counsel they get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of lawyers available, mostly using the same marketing messages to attract them.  That's why directory listings and similar listing types are not effective as  all law firms are bunched together and everyone looks the same.

A much better method is to go out and target your ideal customer so you can create custom messages and reach them at a time where you are the only lawyer speaking to them.  While people have little attention span, it allows you a few moments to get your message to them without the distractions of a hundred other law firms drowning out your message.

Below are 5 specific things you can do online to target your ideal client.

Utilize Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising for Immediate Results

Investing in PPC advertising, such as Google Ads, can provide immediate visibility on search engines for your target keywords. This strategy allows you to bid on specific search terms and only pay when a user clicks on your ad. By targeting relevant keywords and optimizing your ad copy, you can generate high-quality leads quickly.

Life Events via Facebook Ads

There are so many ways to target Facebook users for advertising purposes, it's scary.  I wrote a post outlining some of the most popular ways. You can read it here.  Depending on what type of law you practice, a great opportunity to target Facebook users is to run ads based on Life Events.  Life Events allows you to target Facebook users by various life events such as births, relationship changes, moving and retirements. These are just a few examples of ways you can use Life Events to target users at a particular moment in their life.  Scary that Facebook knows this and lets you advertise using this method?  Yes.

Facebooks Ads Life Events Image

Life Events allows you to target Facebook users by various life events such as changes in relationship status (divorce lawyers), new births and retirements(Estate planning lawyers), just to name a few possibilities.  When you also use other types of Facebook targeting such as demographic and location targeting to really fine tune your audience which will allow you to create laser targeted messaging.   There are several other ways that lawyers can create targeted ad campaigns in Facebook, but Life Events stands out as an easy win.

Google Adwords and Facebook Remarketing

Remarketing is when you continue to serve advertisements to people visited your website after they have left and are surfing the internet.  Google Adwords and Facebook have two of the best remarketing platforms available and allow you to cover a large part of the internet for remarketing purposes.

Facebook Remarketing Infographic

Why would you want to run a remarketing campaign?  If someone is shopping around for a lawyer, they may visit several websites, probably forgetting details about any single website.  Remarketing allows you to stay front in center in their minds as they continue shopping around and allows you the ability to establish your brand and draw them back to your website with targeted messaging.

Google Adwords Call Only Campaign

Google launched this product in 2015 and it has been very successful for my clients that use it, especially service based businesses.  While Google mobile ads always allowed you to include a clickable phone number in its ads, Call Only ads removes the website entirely and goes straight to a phone call.  The costs per click are higher than regular ads but every click is essentially a conversion.

Google Adwords Call Only Campaign Image

For example, if someone gets arrested for DUI, if they search on their phone for a lawyer, you can show them an ad to call you immediately for assistance.  No time wasted visiting a website, straight to a phone call.  The best part is that Google Adwords currently limits 2 ads per mobile results page and places them at the top so ads so they take up most of the phone's screen real estate.  They are also listed above organic search results, making them very valuable.

74% of prospects beginning a search online end up contacting the office via phone. (FindLaw U.S. Consumer Legal Needs Survey 2014)


Banner Ads via Google Display Network

Lawyers love billboards. When we drive through Florida on our way to St.Petersburg, we like to count the number of billboards for lawyers along the way. There are a lot of them, many of them humorous, whether they meant to be or not. We also get a chuckle driving through Buffalo on our way to Toronto, I'm looking at you Cellino and Barnes : )

Google Display Network Infographic

Online banner ads are the equivalent of a roadside billboard, with the exception that billboards cost thousands of dollars every month and are relevant to about .0001% of the people who see it, while banner ads cost pennies and are highly targeted to a very specific audience.


Leverage Your Existing Database

Facebook has a neat feature called, “Looakalike Audiences”, where you can upload your existing database and they will cross match the information and identify Facebook users from this list.  Once they have that list in hand they will essentially create a clone list that will look very much like your existing list.  You now have an entirely new list of people you can market to that exhibit a very similar demographics, interests and behaviors as your current client list.

Facebook Lookalike Audience Infographic

The lists are all saved in Facebook and you do not have access to the actual people on the list, nor can you download it.  It is meant to be used only inside Facebook.  When they do their data match with your existing list, they do it “blind” so they cannot see any of the actual information.  When they are done they purge the list from their database for privacy reasons.  In case you had questions concerning privacy.

Google Adwords also has a similar feature to Facebook's Custom Audiences called, “Google Customer Match”, that also allows you to create cloned audience lists in Google Adwords.  

Optimize Your Law Firm's Website for Search Engines (SEO)

Implement On-Page SEO

To attract potential clients searching for legal services, it is crucial to optimize your website for search engines. Start by conducting thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-volume search terms related to your practice areas. Incorporate these keywords strategically into your website's content, meta tags, and URL structure.

Enhance User Experience (UX)

A well-designed website with clear navigation and fast loading times will keep users engaged and reduce bounce rates. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as more than half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Furthermore, use schema markup to provide search engines with structured data about your business, such as location, practice areas, and contact information.

Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Most law practices are local in nature, targeting mostly the residents in their city or region.  Local SEO lets you optimize your website and other 3rd party local properties for your area so you show up higher in the local search results.  A local search result in Google is when the map appears in the search results with pin drop icons showing local businesses on the map.

Facebook Lookalike Audience Infographic

So if someone searches for something like, “divorce lawyers in Charlotte”, the results will show a map along with Charlotte divorce lawyers peppering the map.  How high you show up in the listing depends on how strong your website and local online presence is.

62% of legal searches are non-branded (i.e., generic: “Phoenix divorce attorney,” etc.). (FindLaw U.S. Consumer Legal Needs Survey 2014)

The main 4 areas to optimize are:

  • Your website
  • Google Business Profile Page
  • Bing Places Page
  • Important directories and 3rd party websites relevant to your city and/or industry

Want to improve locally?  Here are some easy steps to take:

1- Claim and optimize (fill out completely and accurately) your Google Business Profile and Bing Places pages

2- Make sure your NAP (name, address, phone number) is prominently displayed on your website

3 – Get client reviews for your Google Page.

85% use online maps to find legal service locations. (Google Legal Services Study Sept 2013)

Here are a few articles for further reading related to local seo:

Leverage Content Marketing to Demonstrate Expertise

Content marketing is a powerful tool for lawyers to demonstrate their expertise, build trust, and engage with potential clients. By creating and sharing valuable content, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field, boost your online presence, and generate high-quality leads. Here are some effective content marketing strategies for lawyers:

1. Develop a Blog with High-Quality, Informative Articles

Regularly publish well-researched, informative articles on your law firm's blog that address common legal issues, recent changes in legislation, and topics relevant to your practice areas. This not only demonstrates your expertise but also improves your website's search engine rankings, making it easier for potential clients to find you.

2. Create Engaging Video Content

Videos are an increasingly popular content format that allows you to connect with your audience on a more personal level. Develop short, informative videos that address frequently asked questions, explain legal concepts, or provide insights into your practice. Share these videos on your website, social media channels, and YouTube to reach a wider audience.

3. Offer Downloadable Resources

Provide valuable resources, such as e-books, whitepapers, and checklists, that your audience can download from your website. These resources can cover in-depth legal topics, offer practical advice, or serve as guides for navigating specific legal situations. By offering valuable information, you can build trust with potential clients and capture their contact information for future nurturing.

4. Host Webinars and Online Workshops

Conduct live webinars or online workshops to educate your audience on legal topics and showcase your expertise. This interactive format allows you to engage with your audience, answer questions, and build credibility. Record and repurpose the webinars as on-demand content for your website and social media channels.

5. Guest Blogging and Collaborations

Collaborate with other industry professionals, legal publications, or popular blogs to contribute guest articles or participate in interviews. This not only extends your reach to a broader audience but also builds your reputation as a thought leader in your field.

6. Leverage Social Media to Share Content

Use social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, to share your blog posts, videos, downloadable resources, and other content. Engage with your audience, participate in relevant discussions, and join industry-specific groups to enhance your online presence and demonstrate your expertise.

By implementing these content marketing strategies, you can effectively showcase your expertise, engage with potential clients, and generate high-quality leads for your law practice.

Harness the Power of Social Media for Brand Awareness

In today's digitally connected world, social media platforms play a crucial role in building brand awareness and generating leads for law firms. By leveraging social media, you can reach a wider audience, engage with potential clients, and showcase your expertise. Here are some effective strategies for harnessing the power of social media to build brand awareness for your law practice:

1. Choose the Right Social Media Platforms

Identify the social media platforms most relevant to your target audience and practice areas. For lawyers, LinkedIn is an excellent platform for professional networking and sharing industry-related content. Facebook and Twitter are also effective for engaging with a broader audience and sharing valuable content.

2. Create and Share Engaging Content

Develop a content strategy that includes a mix of informative articles, videos, infographics, and other engaging content related to your practice areas. Share this content regularly on your social media channels to keep your audience informed and engaged.

3. Engage with Your Audience

Respond to comments, messages, and questions from your followers to build relationships and demonstrate your expertise. Participate in relevant discussions, groups, and online communities to showcase your knowledge and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

4. Use Hashtags Strategically

Incorporate relevant hashtags in your social media posts to increase their visibility and reach a wider audience. Research popular hashtags related to your practice areas and use them in your posts to improve discoverability.

5. Share Client Testimonials and Success Stories

Sharing client testimonials and success stories on your social media channels can help build trust and credibility with potential clients. These stories showcase your expertise and provide social proof, making your law firm more appealing to prospective clients.

6. Utilize Social Media Advertising

Leverage the advertising tools provided by social media platforms, such as LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads, and Twitter Ads, to reach a targeted audience. Use demographic, interest, and behavioral targeting options to ensure your ads are seen by the most relevant users, increasing the likelihood of generating high-quality leads.

7. Monitor and Measure Your Results

Track the performance of your social media efforts using analytics tools provided by each platform. Monitor key metrics, such as engagement, reach, and conversions, to identify areas of improvement and adjust your strategy accordingly.

By implementing these social media strategies, you can effectively harness the power of social media to build brand awareness, engage with potential clients, and generate high-quality leads for your law practice.

Implement Email Marketing to Nurture Leads

Email marketing is a highly effective method for nurturing leads and keeping your law firm top-of-mind for potential clients. By regularly sending valuable content and updates to your subscribers, you can build trust, showcase your expertise, and maintain a strong relationship with your audience. Here are some strategies for implementing email marketing to nurture leads for your law practice:

1. Build a High-Quality Email List

Collect email addresses through various channels, such as your website, blog, social media profiles, and networking events. Use lead magnets, such as downloadable resources, webinars, or newsletters, to encourage visitors to subscribe to your email list. Ensure you obtain explicit consent from your subscribers to comply with data protection regulations.

2. Segment Your Email List

Categorize your subscribers based on their interests, needs, or engagement levels. This allows you to send targeted emails that resonate with each segment of your audience, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

3. Develop Engaging Email Content

Create valuable content that addresses the needs and interests of your subscribers. This can include informative articles, legal updates, case studies, and event invitations. Focus on providing helpful information rather than promoting your services directly.

4. Personalize Your Emails

Personalize your email campaigns by addressing recipients by their name and tailoring content based on their preferences or behaviors. This creates a more engaging experience for your subscribers and fosters a stronger connection with your law firm.

5. Optimize Your Email Design and Subject Lines

Ensure your emails are visually appealing and easy to read, with clear formatting and concise messaging. Use attention-grabbing subject lines that encourage recipients to open your emails. Test different subject lines and designs to determine what resonates best with your audience.

6. Maintain a Consistent Sending Schedule

Send emails to your subscribers on a regular basis, such as bi-weekly or monthly. This helps maintain a consistent relationship with your audience and keeps your law firm top-of-mind. However, avoid overloading your subscribers with too many emails, as this can lead to unsubscribes.

7. Monitor and Analyze Your Email Performance

Track the performance of your email campaigns using analytics tools, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and adjust your strategy accordingly.

By implementing these email marketing strategies, you can effectively nurture leads, build trust with potential clients, and generate high-quality leads for your law practice.

Do you have an online marketing plan for your law firm?

Online is where it's at.  People research, play and shop online.  If you don't have a solid online marketing strategy then you are missing out on most of your potential client pool.  The above points should get you started, or at least give you an idea of what opportunities await for you in online marketing.

Have a question about anything here?  You can contact me here.

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CEO at 3Bug Media
Gary Shouldis is the founder of 3Bug Media, a web marketing company that helps businesses create 360 Marketing Strategies to dominate their market. His blog is read by over 20 thousand small business owners a month and has been featured in the N.Y. Times Small Business, Business Insider and Yahoo Small Business.